Natural Stones

Natural Stones

Natural stones have many advantages over synthetic stones in terms of sharpening as you go up in grit. Also natural stones do not have grits like synthetic stones do. I recommend synthetic stones for coarser stones and naturals for fine and polishing stones. 

It is very hard to find good coarse natural stones, and when you do they will generally be very expensive some upwards of $600.

Sharpening with Naturals

When you sharpen with synthetic stones, you are removing metal and using the micro particles of the metal and combination of water called a slurry to remove more metal even faster and more even.  Synthetics are mostly consistent throughout the stone in terms of grit 

Naturals on the other hand are inconsistent throughout the entire stone surface and many have different layers as well, so as you go through the stone it can change in terms of how it cuts, and feels. 

Most people would consider inconsistency a bad thing however with knives this is good. It will create different size micro teeth along the edge as you sharpen, with in turn will create a sharper feeling edge and one that will last longer. The reason it will last longer is because the individual teeth will wear at different rates, that way it will stay sharper longer instead of all the teeth wearing at the same rate and dulling together. 

Buying Natural Stones

I am still no expert on japanese natural stones. In fact i have much to learn about them. I recommend buying from a well known provider and someone you trust. Some providers of natural stones are:

Japanese Natural Stones   -Maxim is the owner and probably the most knowledgeable person on japanese natural stones around today.

Japanese Knife Imports  -Jon Broida runs the site with his wife and is a pleasure to work with.

Chef Knives To Go    -Mark Richmond runs the site and has plenty of Jnats on his site. 


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